
Mission accomplished

Mission accomplished

Kde vzít odvahu zrealizovat své sny? Inspiruj se příběhem Maroše, člena týmu konference Rise and Shine 2014…


Předávám slovo Marošovi:

It is Saturday, sunny day in Aarhus / Denmark, 11:25am. I’ve just started to think about my “mission” in Denmark and how did I get here?

Let me tell you my story.

Previous year was full of changes. One thing what happened to me was, that I had decided to study abroad for 6 months. What a nice idea! ‘Cause I am passionate about music and I do love british music industry, the choice was really clear. UK.

The dreams are always nice but the reality can change them. This was also my case. One day, when I received the results I figured out, that I didn’t get UK. They gave me Aarhus University Denmark.


True. My feelings were confused. I thougt that UK was the best place for me and the best thing which could ever happened to me, and they gave me Denmark? Ok. What should I do. I talked to lot of people, my parents included. Final decision was ultimately on me. I said to myself, took it or left it and wait another year for this chance to study abroad, with no guarantee to get UK. So I did take it.

The best thing I have ever done.

Many people say: “The best things are the things which are not intended.” Totally agree. In January 2014 , everything started. I moved to Aarhus for my studies at Aarhus University and to get to know new culture and people. Actually, the only thing I was worried about was that after 6 months I should go back home. Getting to know new people had been under way from the beginning. Cooking in my own kitchen, partying with new friends, eating with super people, enjoying the beach, networking and sales for as I say X- ray vision of your website visitors, cycling around the city, trying new things… It represents really great excitement!

I have learned a lot about food in Denmark. Everything is possible. Even fruits and vegetables together. It is super delicious and no more artificial sugar in salads!

Once I was just walking starved around the city and then I saw it! Big poster which said: “This is super great challenge. You have been wondering for ages. Now you have the chance to prove yourself that you can do it!” That moment I decided to participate on Aarhus Half — Marathon 2014. Without any training before or any special preparation. Oh yeah, I was a runner but kind of “holiday runner”. What does it mean holiday runner? When I look back to my secondary school where we were supposed to run 5 km within 45 minutes and I walked it in 50 (personal best :D) you can imagine what does the holiday runner mean. I have to admit that I came back to running at high school and shortened my personal best to 30 minutes per 5 km. However, It was pretty big challenge for holiday runner and his first race, wasn’t it?

After little shopping I came home and started to plan. I googled plan of trainings for half — marathon beginners and start to train from the next day. It was super exciting. I set a goal and I was dedicated to it 100 %. I started to train in March 2014 with low level of km per week. After one month i felt better and 5km was ok without any problems. Then I decided to change my plan because I realized, that this is not enough for me and I need to run more if I want to achieve my goal. I started to run according to coach in Nike+ app. I can recommend it. It was really nice and effective.

Super great people and the power of selfie 😀

Everybody wants to make a selfie! 😀

I was running like 30 / 40 km per week and it was increasing every 2 weeks. After 2 and half months of training I did my first 15km training. It was hard as hell, but that feeling after was awesome.

Take a little break from reading and see some pictures, which I made☺

The best time ever! Sitting on the beach with my ukulele, expressing emotions, whilst looking into nowhere.

Bicycle. I have already sold it. I missed him so much.

Who never tries, never knows. So I tried 😀 It is uncomfortable but if you are 8 km from home and do not have any other chances except of walking you just have to do what you have tools for 😀

You know you have to get up but your mind is full of super great ideas and it is just impossible to sleep and let it be. This picture I took at 2am, 28th of January 2014.

Jam session in Sherlock Holmes pub in Aarhus. Me as a drummer 😀

Why do you need to love Denmark? Not only because of nice environment but also ‘cause they appreciate what they have.

Having an italian neighbour is always a good thing 😀

Aarhus in winter time ☺

One of the crazy times ☺

Water your brain!

Humans are bigger, than they realize.
ARoS Museum, Aarhus.

I kept going. 15km was still not that much, because as we know half — marathon is 6 km more. 3 other weeks of training and then I decided to run it.

21.1km in 2:03:11.

Crazy, I felt like… I do not really know. This happened 2 weeks before the race. After that, I knew I could run it, so I realized it would be better for me to have more rest than training.


The day of the race I got up at 6,am ate some oat meal and tried to concentrate. I did almost 4 months of training, roughly 500km, and was “ready” for the race.

The race started at 10am. Atmosphere was awesome. I have to say that people in Aarhus and in Denmark live with the run. There were lot of points where the live music was playing and I had the opportunity to be part of it. The race was not that easy. I had really nice start and first 12 km I felt great. Suddenlly, something had changed and my problems started. Without the people and willingness to accomplish my goal (THE GOAL WAS TO FINISH), I would not be able to finish.

21,097km in 2:08:35, overall position 8583. from 12 000 registered runners, 11 098 have finished.

I did it!!!!! It was the most awesome feeling I had ever have before! I accomplished my goal. (after that I was not able to walk other 2 hours but it was definitely worth it!)

What I want to finish with. There are several things I have realized during my stay in Denmark and mostly because of my marathon experience.

  1. Stop talking. Do it!

2. Motivate yourself

3. Set the Goal

4. Focus on it!

5. Have an endurance. It won’t be immediately. ☺

From time to time, the things just don’t go as we wish. I did not get to UK. Never mind. I am glad that I had this chance to be here in Denmark. If you are wondering, sometimes it is better to stop talking and do it. You never know how and which experience can change you.

Thank you for the reading. I hope I did not waste your time. If you have any comments or you just want to say hello, please feel free to follow me on twitter or shoot me an e — mail (maros.pecho@gmail.com)

Have a nice day and good luck!